Porch Window

Last weekend a neighboring town had a city-wide garage sale, and I nabbed a few old windows for a deal. Immediately I knew I wanted to put the biggest one right over our porch swing. I thought it would block some rain and wind and would really frame that end of the porch, which it does perfectly!

This was a super easy project, though it took a little longer than I expected it would! This was what the window looked like when I bought it.

Some left over blue paint was the perfect color, and I only put on one coat, since I knew I was going to sand it to distress.

The new color was fabulous, but I thought this window needed just a little something extra. This was the time consuming part. I pulled out the Silhouette and cut out a beautiful “birds on a line” stencil from contact paper and used this tutorial from Make it and Love It with my Glass Etching Cream. I’d been wanting to use this cream for months, but just hadn’t found the right project yet. This was just the ticket.

Applying the contact paper was definitely the hardest part. The pieces kept sticking to one another, then I couldn’t get them lined up right… It took awhile, but I finally figured it out!

The tutorial linked above suggested leaving the cream on the glass for about 10 minutes, but I actually found that was too little for this project. I ended up wiping it off, then putting more cream back on for another 5 minutes or so.

Here you can see the etched glass up close. The cream actually eats away at the glass, so this treatment is permanent.

Tony was a dear and put the hooks on the window and on the porch trim for me, so by the time I returned home from book club, the whole thing was done! I’m loving it, and I can’t wait to make over one of the other windows… I think a little yellow, window coffee table would be a good project… one to go just in front of the swing perhaps?


PS: In case you’re thinking of making your own porch swing window, I did coat this a couple times with a clear, oil-based shellac that is meant for outdoor projects. I know the window was exposed to the elements for years when it was in someone’s house, but I went ahead and put the extra layers of protection on the wood anyway.

See this post on the Make It and Love It site!<a href="http://

9 Responses to Porch Window

  1. Beth and Bob says:

    Lindy Jo, You are unbelievably amazing!!! Honestly, you need to come visit me to help with house and yard!!! Looks so awesome! Love it,

  2. Jami says:

    I LOVE it!!! The birds were a perfect finishing touch. And the porch swing is so cool! Great job!

  3. Dad says:

    Nice job baby girl!

  4. Pam McNicoll says:

    Fantastic job! I love the front porch- my current favorite room!!
    Love, Mom

  5. Heidi says:

    Honestly, I don’t know how you do it. If I only had half of your talent, energy and ability….
    So cute!

  6. Pingback: Window Table | A Guy, A Girl, and a Really Old House!

  7. Pingback: TV Tray Face Lift | A Guy, A Girl, and a Really Old House!

  8. Pingback: Faux Etched Glass | A Guy, A Girl, and a Really Old House!

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